I was doing something for the kids, erasing some papers (actually, lots of papers==), then I had a thought. What if we are given a chance to erase something from our life, be it present or the past, not the future of course, what will it be for you?Or would you rather leave it be?If I'm a survivor of katrina hurricane or other natural disasters, I would erase the fact that I was left behind.
If I'm a detective, I would erase all the scenes where I see deaths.
If I'm an abused wife, I would erase my husband. This is easy.
If I'm an alcoholic or drug addict, needless to say what I would erase.
If I'm just me, I think I will erase nothing. I don't have a lot happening in my life, but even if I do, I think I will like to keep my memory whole and complete.
Let's see, what if a mouse erases the fear of cats, and saw a cat?
Since erasing the past will not change the future, its quite pointless..and if erasing the past will change the future, I am sure I wouldn't erase anything then.
If there is something so bad that I have to erase, I guess it must be death related then.I want to erase the day my puppy died.
I know what I should erase now, this post. Its nothing but nonsense..as usual.