Can you see me?
Frozen in a time where reality and dream are inseparable, I couldn't tell if I'm awake or asleep.
I am seeing the world from a different perspective but I don't feel it.
I am landing but not settling.
I am present but detached.
I am but a projection of what I want others to see.
Can you see the truth beneath the shadow?
The missing part is well hidden, but it's there, for I can feel it.
I shunned away from revelation because of the darkness concealed.
Connection through the heart yearns more than just honesty, it is intuition that finds the match.
Nothing shall be spoken if nothing is seen.
What will be, will be.
Only the heart can tell.
How do you see but not seeing, speak but not reaching?
Neither elated nor depressed, for there is none to be felt.
It is like swimming in the sea, numb by the endless immensity.
I can't feel because there is too much, I can't contain it.
Where will I put myself on a scale of life?
I am neither here nor there, I am just detached.